Transfer of EPOXY processing centers, now don't have to pay the rent, oven, a professional bracelet a set of machine, two sets of color, glue, need to complete items, the rent can save more than 10000 a year, tel: (15020060300)
现转让EPOXY加工点 可做EPOXY-R 点胶 加工点在公司里面 不用交房租 加工点所在公司所有加工活可随便接 可以说很稳定 烤箱一个 专业手镯机器一套 颜色两套 胶水一套 刚开封 加工点所需物品齐全 房租每年能省10000多 非常合适 有意者私聊或电话 15020060300